As promised, today we will explain the different ways that exist for several months to keep fresh mushrooms, well dehydrating, freezing them or keeping them preserved.
In all three cases before anything will be cleaned, or with a small brush or a damp cloth, the less wet better, once they are clean, and depending on the type of mushroom and size have to laminate them or chopping, the most whole can leave small as is the case also known as senderilla carrereta.
Como lo prometido es deuda, hoy vamos a explicar las diferentes formas que existen para mantener durante varios meses las setas frescas, bien deshidratándolas, congelándolas o manteniéndolas en conserva.
En los tres casos antes de nada tendremos que limpiarlas, o con un pincelito o con un paño húmedo, cuanto menos mojado mejor, una vez estén limpias, y dependiendo del tipo de seta y de su tamaño tendremos que laminarlas o incluso trocearlas, las más pequeñas podemos dejarlas enteras como es el caso de la carrereta también conocida como senderilla.
To dehydrate in the sun, we can put on a cooking paper andjust let the water lost through exposure to sunlight, this process depending on the size of the mushroom can take several weeks, in the same way we can help withair to dehydrate, this time we can sew with string and hang them in a place where there is airflowleaving three to four days. The process faster and moreused is the oven, placed on kitchen paper oven rack in a low temperature,about 40-50 ° C for about five hours, depending on the size of the mushroomand we furnacedehydrated. Normally used industrially giant kilnswhere trays are distributed and drying is faster.It should be borne in mind that 25 grams of freshmushrooms in dehydratedequivalent to two hundred and fifty grams. Sowhen we need to rehydrateand cook much less quantity. The form is simple enough rehydrate with boiling for about30 minutes before use.
Another simple way to enjoy seasonal mushrooms all year, is freezing, for this, as with any other food you want to freeze, whatwe do is scald itfor a couple of minutes, let cool and place in a bag special plastic freezersold in any supermarket and put them in the freezer. When we want to cook is not necessary previously thawed.
Otra forma
sencilla de poder disfrutar de setas de temporada todo el año, es la
congelación, para ello, igual que con cualquier otro alimento que queramos
congelar, lo debemos hacer es escaldarlo durante un par de minutos, dejar enfriar
e introducirlo en una bolsa de plástico especial de congelación que
venden en cualquier supermercado y meterlas en el congelador. Cuando queramos
cocinarlas no es necesario descongelarlas previamente.
There are several ways to make canned mushrooms, from
here we are going to explain one
we think is the simplest and best holds, is to fry the mushrooms
and clean, well rolled
or sliced with
a drizzle of olive oil and salt, let loose
the water and put
out the fire, put the mushrooms
in glass jars
clean water have
been dropping and
adding to fill the pot of boiling salted water. Place the jars
upside down and boil one hour in a water bath, checking that the hermetically sealed.
varias formas de hacer conserva de setas, desde aquí os vamos a explicar una
que pensamos que es la más sencilla y la que mejor las mantiene, consiste en
freír las setas ya limpias, bien laminadas o bien troceadas con un chorrito de
aceite de oliva y sal, dejar que suelten el agua y apagar el fuego, poner las
setas en tarros limpios de cristal con el agua que han ido soltando y añadir hasta llenar el tarro agua
salada hirviendo. Colocar los tarros boca abajo y hervirlos una hora al baño
maría, comprobar que se han sellado herméticamente.
In all three cases can stand from season to season as long as the process is done properly.
En los tres
casos pueden aguantar de temporada a temporada siempre que el proceso se haya hecho de
forma adecuada.